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examples of creative workshops 

Boost creativity!

We can design workshops for you lasting for a few hours or a full blown design sprint over five days. It all depends on what problems you want to solve or new ideas you need to invent. 
Design sprint

Overview: Originally developed by Google Ventures, Design Sprints are a five-day process for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. It's highly structured and aims to rapidly uncover user insights and validate concepts.

  • Phases: Understand, Sketch, Decide, Prototype, and Test.

  • Objective: To solve specific problems, create new products, or improve existing ones by rapidly prototyping and validating ideas.

Ideation Workshops

Overview: These are brainstorming sessions focused on generating a wide range of ideas to address a specific challenge. They often involve a series of creative exercises designed to think outside the box and are less structured than design sprints.

  • Objective: To generate a large volume of ideas, from which the best can be selected for further development.

Innovation Labs

Overview: Innovation labs are spaces or sessions dedicated to fostering innovation within an organization. They often combine elements from design thinking, lean startup, and other methodologies to encourage creative problem-solving.

  • Objective: To create a culture of innovation and generate breakthrough ideas that can be developed into new products, services, or processes.